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Click image to book your place

2023 - booking essential.  Places limited.
Friday 24th, Saturday 25th and Friday 31st

April Saturday 1st, Saturday 8th, Friday 14th, Saturday15th, Friday 21st, Saturday22nd
Friday 28th

May Friday 5th,  Saturday 6th, Friday 19th, Saturday 20th, Friday 26th

JUNE Friday 2nd, Friday 9th, Saturday 10th, Saturday 17th, Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th, Friday 30th
July Fridays and Saturdays mornings and afternoons, dates to be confirmed
August Fridays and Saturdays mornings and afternoons, dates to be confirmed
September Fridays and Saturdays mornings and afternoons, dates to be confirmed
October Fridays and Saturdays mornings and afternoons, dates to be confirmed

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